Debate VTT "Spline Lock" Crank Hub Solution Now Available!


Dec 7, 2016
St. Louis, MO USA
'08 335i, '14 M6, '15 Tundra
Very cool concept and indeed a very trick part, making something like this is no joke so big props on producing it.

However I am a bit confused about how if it were to still slip the splines would dig deeper? Once the hub is bolt pressed into position and the inner crank recess ID is "etched" or "keyed" (with the plus sized splines); the VTT hub is then fixed into a position where it can never further enter the crank recess in said slip event as it is bottomed out already correct? This is unlike a spline extractor tool which is free floating hardware which will further penetrate a recess to further engage the splines, thus allowing it to keep digging deeper to retain a positive lock under stress.

It seems to me that this could be a very sweet solution assuming timing relationships would be easy to sustain during initial assembly, never budges due to the etched keyways, and the etched keyways retain good shape for ease of disassembly and reassembly (if/when needed); but do not understand how the part can dig deeper when challenged with a hub that is in a fixed relationship position (axially) with the crank.

EDIT: Just saw this, good to know...

It'll break things before it slips, you're talking HUGE torque well beyond anything we're seeing on this platform. Bolt is stock and is intended to stretch by design. Add CBC for a complete solution that addresses both primary and secondary causes of slipped hubs.

Removal q answered above.
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Oct 28, 2017
Monroe CT
09 335i msport le mans 18 x5
I'm thinking it was more an explanation of the forces at hand for this application and how the spline extractor design works. Don't really think of it as it moves, think more of the forces generated if it tries to slip , it will pull everything together increasing friction on grip disc instead of falling into a full blown slip due to the coefficient of friction no longer being at the static value.


Dec 7, 2016
St. Louis, MO USA
'08 335i, '14 M6, '15 Tundra
I'm thinking it was more an explanation of the forces at hand for this application and how the spline extractor design works. Don't really think of it as it moves, think more of the forces generated if it tries to slip , it will pull everything together increasing friction on grip disc instead of falling into a full blown slip due to the coefficient of friction no longer being at the static value.

Theres no doubt splined interferences will increase the adhesion substantially- so good deal there. Biggest concern was the "if tries to slip will just dig deeper" commentary. Per the comment Chris replied with since it is keyed (by etching), it simply is not going to slip before everything breaks. That is a better way to put it for the products abilities IMO.

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Dec 7, 2016
St. Louis, MO USA
'08 335i, '14 M6, '15 Tundra
Doesn't appear to be much of a debate?

Just a complaint to admins about vendor rules after a logical post, then ban vendor from thread, and have admin roll it out to octagon to die.

Guess in a year or two we can see how it goes and reflect back here at that time.:tonguewink:



Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Just a complaint to admins about vendor rules after a logical post, then ban vendor from thread, and have admin roll it out to octagon to die

Since you've made your complaint about the way this forum functions publicly, I'll provide my response publicly.

The other thought, is that if you'd respect the vendor rules of the board which I've explained to you on numerous occasions, nobody would need to complain to me and none of this would have to happen. The link to this post is in the thread, if anyone cares they will comment here on the matter. If not, that means they probably don't care enough to check it out.

Lets be really honest, if I was you, I don't honestly see how I would even have the time to give a rats ass what anyone else is doing. Even for myself, personally, I have zero spare time let alone have time slotted aside for watching and babysitting what other vendors do not to mention writing responses like this one...

I would much prefer to see YOUR threads, lets see something that Rob is doing as that is much more interesting. Post threads about your discoveries or your products and I'll give those threads the same respects and rights as any other vendor. Its not a secret that I have bumped heads with VTT but I still provide the same basic allowances as dictated by the rules I've written and made available to all vendors like yourself.

Will the product work or not? I have no flipping idea. I just know there is a time and place for everything and I've carved out this section for questions exactly like yours.

What I would recommend to anyone who has concerns is to buy one, do some testing and then come back with those results. Regular customers are free to ask questions as they please, but Vendors themselves just need to give each other some room and respect, it is a simple request really. We have many intelligent folks on this board who can raise concerns as they wish when they see fit and we make a place, such as this, for when issues do indeed arise. There is no need for you to lead the charge in questioning VTT, someone you have a long history of internet battles with and vice versa.

If their product is bogus, I'm sure there will be a thread about it and people will give them hell. And guess what? We won't be deleting those threads because we aren't VTT's PR team. They are responsible for that but once again, it isn't necessary for you to help the community on this one, you've given up that right to approach the situation as a customer because you aren't a customer, you're a competitor.

A promotional vendor thread is to serve that singular purpose, to promote their product first and foremost. It is not to field questions from other vendors which might instill even the slightest doubt about the product. And you can't claim this is because they pay me money because you and I both know they don't pay me a penny, just like you don't pay and have never paid a penny to have vendor status here.

If you are that concerned, buy one, test it, let us know. If you were interested in maintaining full respect of the promoting vendor, you would call them on the damn telephone or send them a PM instead of cluttering up their thread with doubt. If you don't want to do that, make your own thread, which I've done for you. Generate traffic to this thread and you may go about whatever mission you've set out to accomplish, the choices are yours and the world is your oyster.

PS. If you have a problem with the rules, feel free to give me a phone call or send me an email or PM. My door is always open for you to convince me you know more about running an online community than me; one that isn't susceptible to being swayed heavily to one side or another when money is involved.

I've done my best over the last two years to set the tone for how we run things even without sponsorships in the picture.


Oct 28, 2017
Monroe CT
09 335i msport le mans 18 x5
Wow I think when people talk shit not saying rob at all but people in past and future they need to be aware that vendors are non paying on here that is huge.


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Wow I think when people talk shit not saying rob at all but people in past and future they need to be aware that vendors are non paying on here that is huge.

I never wanted this board to be at anyone else's mercy so I've gone a different route. There will be sponsorship opportunities, but as an afterthought.


Apr 5, 2017
07 335i 6MT e90
How can Rob test it, can any of his turbos do north of 6?

He could always buy a set of gcs!

I would much prefer to see YOUR threads, lets see something that Rob is doing as that is much more interesting. Post threads about your discoveries or your products and I'll give those threads the same respects and rights as any other vendor.

Ha, good luck there. I've yet to see ANY post Rob has ever made regarding his own products. He has made a passing comment in other threads about how great some new cheap turbos are he offers, but then brags bout how he doesn't advertise then or need to because he's so busy getting orders out all day. Am i the only one that noticed that of all the vendors he's the only one that has time for forums all day?
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